New Organ Scholar appointed
The second Michael Swindlehurst Organ Scholar is Yechan Yun, a 16-year-old pupil in the sixth form at the Perse School. Yechan says, “I was motivated to start playing the organ 6 years ago after singing "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" with the organ at Great Saint Mary's (Cambridge) for Christmas as a chorister there, and have loved it ever since.”
Scholars receive a grant and the scholarship provides organ tuition and opportunities for the successful applicant to develop a range of musical skills in a supportive environment. The Organ Scholar will be based at Saffron Walden, with the exception of one Sunday per month being spent at Wendens Ambo.
Oliver King, our Director of Music said, “We are also very happy that Eleanor Game, a Choral Scholar, has been awarded a privately-funded bursary to assist her in developing her skills as an organist and church musician. We hope that she will be supporting other local churches during this year. Many congratulations to them both.”
He added, “I am thrilled about the appointment of Yechan and Eleanor and very much look forward to working with them over the coming year!”