Friends of the Parish Church
Latest News
“The Real Margaret Thatcher” talk by Sir John Coles in the Parish Rooms Wed 7th May 7.30pm
Do join us for a talk by Sir John Coles on Wed 7th May 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms. ALL WELCOME !
“Sir John Coles GCMG was private secretary to the Prime Minister for foreign and defence affairs from 1981 to 1984. This period saw the Falklands war and negotiations with China about the future of Hong Kong. Sir John later became Permanent Under Secretary at the Foreign Office and head of the Diplomatic Service.”
Free glass of wine and nibbles, donation only. To assist us with the catering please contact Pamela on email if you wish to come along, and don’t forget, bring a friend!

Gifted Etching Presentation
The etching, gifted by the artist David Aronsohn, was presented to Mark Vernon on Saturday 18th January as he was the highest bidder in the Blind Auction, adding a gratefully received £50 to the Friends funds. Sincere thanks go to David and to Mark for their support of St Mary’s.
Click on photo to enlarge. We are sure that you all know those present in the photo but if you did not know their names, from the left: Vivian Falk, Richard Winter. Pamela Mugliston. Mark Vernon and Tessa Hawkes.
Adventures in Iraq - Wed 13th November 2024
Over 40 people attended the really interesting presentation by our two truly adventurous travellers.
After a welcome glass of wine and an assortment of nibbles we settled down to watch a great selection of amazing photos that took us along their journey through Iraq with just a few other brave and intrepid travellers.
A quote from Paula “ Having travelled in most of the Middle Eastern countries there were a lot of things in Iraq that were quite familiar to us, but of course, what was new was all the amazing things we were able to see, both pre-Islamic and Islamic. We saw things dating back to 5,000+BC, and from what is thought might have been the Garden of Eden to the rather fine memorial after the Iran/Iraq was in the 1980’s”
The level of interest was shown by the amount of questions that followed. Everyone went home after meeting new people, having fun and wanting more. Click on the photo to enalrge.
Watch this website for news of more presentations next year and of course news of the next Cathedral trip.
Pamela Mugliston
Friends' Visit to St Alban's Cathedral

The Friends enjoyed a fabulous visit to the Cathedral at St Albans and although many of us had been before, just to look around, we learnt so much from our really well informed guides. The wall paintings technology was out of this world!
Much of the current layout and proportions of the structure dates from the first Norman Abbot, Paul of Caen ( 1077-1093) With many later additions.
The tower is the only 11th century great crossing tower still standing in England. The original ringing chamber had 5 bells, none of which have survived. Currently there are 23 bells housed in the Tower not all rung at any one time of course.
The glass in the Great Rose window in the North Transept is a more modern highlight gifted in 1988-89 by the local firm Laporte to celebrate their 100th anniversary, replacing the original clear glass.
Too many other beautiful features to mention. See Tony Downing and Martin Hugall's photos in this slideshow.
We then had a lunch at The Waterside Inn in Ware from where we boarded a boat for a 2 hour commentated trip along the river Lee in the sunshine, watching the birds catching fish.
We will be planning another Cathedral visit in the Spring so watch this space.
Pamela Mugliston
See our Archive page for details of this and other trips.
About us
New members are most welcome and you don't have to be a parishioner of St Mary's to join. See below for how to join.
Founded in 1933, the Friends of St Mary’s Society provides funds for the maintenance of the fabric of the Church and for carrying out improvements and adornments. It is a Registered Charity (No 253119) and is administered by the Chairman, Hon Secretary and Hon Treasurer and six committee members with the Rector as President. We normally hold our AGM on the second Sunday in September to coincide with St Mary's Patronal Festival.
Our Founders
The Friends of the Parish Church was founded by Isaac Marking who was a Church Warden at the time and had a butchers shop and Abattoir on the corner of Church Street and Museum Street and Geoffrey Barnard who ran a Seed Merchants business in Barnard Close. Geoffrey Barnard effectively ran the Friends from it’s formation in 1933 until his death in January 1968
Objects of the Society of The Friends
(a) To unite into one body all the friends of this magnificent Church
(b) To provide funds to be utilised towards the maintenance of the fabric of the Church and for carrying out any desired improvements and/or adornments
(c) To fulfil the duty that is ours of preserving this Church in all its beauty for those who come after.
The Work of the Friends of the Church
Although a church has stood on this site for 800 years, the present building was remodelled 500 years ago under the supervision of John Wastell, master mason for King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, and externally apart from the spire has remained unchanged. Internally, over the years, many of the original tombs, chapels, pews and colouring have been removed and Victorian stained glass and the re-erected Chancel Screen and the Rood have had a great effect on the interior.
Whilst the Friends have been responsible for many practical schemes, such as the inner doors of the West Porch and the voice reinforcement system, they have also striven to bring colour and beauty to the church. The last years of the 20th century were very fruitful, with the provision of embroidered kneelers, colourful banners and the creation of the Chapel of Remembrance. We aim to use local craftsmen and women in all our projects and are careful to ensure that the schemes blend happily with the spirit of the building as it was conceived long ago.
In 2018 we made a major contribution to the Building Programme by funding the Welcome Furniture which is a great asset to the Church.
Friends' Newsletters
Spring 2024 Newsletter
Spring 2023 Newsletter
Spring 2022 Newsletter
Spring 2020 Newsletter
Spring 2019 Newsletter
Spring 2018 Newsletter
Spring 2017 Newsletter
Joining the Friends
We do hope that you will join us so that we can continue to contribute to the beautification of our Church. See below:
You can help us by joining the Society. Membership includes parishioners and other supporters, residents of Saffron Walden and many from further afield. Becoming a member helps to ensure that our work can continue under the guidance of the committee of the society. Membership costs a minimum of £5 per year (single) or £8 (family) payable by 1st April each year. Contact us via the Parish Office to find out more or download our leaflet which includes an application form.