Parish News

Latest copy of our online Parish News.  Click on the image or link below to download a copy. Contributions for each issue to by the 1st Sunday of the month - see below.

PN July 2024-800w

Copies of Parish News:

Parish News July 2024
Parish News June 2024
Parish News May 2024
Parish News April 2024
Parish News March 2024
Parish News February 2024
Parish News Dec 2023-Jan 2024
Parish News November 2023
Parish News October 2023
Parish News August-September 2023
Parish News July 2023
Parish News June 2023
Parish News May 2023
Parish News April 2023
Parish News March 2023
Parish News February 2023

Click here for archive copies of Parish News

Why not write an article for Parish News?

We are a vibrant, thinking, Christian community in the heart of the town and the magazine should reflect this and encourage interest in what’s going on here. So we need a good balance of reports on past and forthcoming events, plus feature articles, both sacred and secular. Any topic of interest to you that is informative, encouraging or amusing, would be most welcome.

Handwritten or typed articles can be left at the Parish Office, St Mary’s Churchyard, CB10 1JP Emailed articles should be sent to:

The copy deadline for each issue is the first Sunday of the month prior to publication. Please be aware that 400 words fits comfortably onto an A5 page and that any article over 800 words will need to be edited to ensure readability.