Weekday Services
From the East window of St Mary's Church
Weekday Services taking place in the next 2 weeks
Click on the
blue links below to find out more
Tuesday 25th March 5:00pm
Wednesday 26th March 8:00am
St Mary's Church, Saffron Walden
Wednesday 26th March 9:30am
St Mary's Church, Saffron Walden
Tuesday 1st April 5:00pm
Wednesday 2nd April 8:00am
St Mary's Church, Saffron Walden
Wednesday 2nd April 9:30am
St Mary's Church, Saffron Walden
Thursday 3rd April 10:00am
North Chapel - St Mary's Church
Tuesday 8th April 5:00pm
Below is our usual pattern of weekday worship
There is a Holy Communion service on Wednesdays at 9.30am to which you are most welcome. There is an informal Evening prayer each Tuesday at 5pm and other afternoon services each month - see below.
Tuesday Evening Prayer at 5pm
Evening Prayer at 5pm. At the moment this is on Zoom. Login details from the Parish Office or in our weekly email bulletin. We would love you to join us. Download a service sheet here.
Wednesday Holy Communion at 9.30am
This is held in the South Chapel. This said Holy communion service in modern language includes bible readings, a short sermon and prayers of intercession. You are welcome to stay for a cup or tea or coffee afterwards. Ministry of prayers for wholeness and healing takes place on the first Wednesday of each month during this 9.30am communion service
Silent Prayer
There is a time of Silent Prayer at 10am on the first Thursday of each month. This takes place in the North Chapel and starts with a short reading and stilling exercise, followed by 20 minutes of silence and concluding with the Lord’s Prayer.