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Aftershock is for 11-18 year olds and meets on Sundays in the Parish Rooms, from 7.00 to 8.30pm during term time except on the 1st Sunday of each month when it forms part of H2H.  It is a chance to socialise, learn and enjoy each other’s company and there’s normally food involved! Young people from other churches and non-churchgoers are all welcome.

If you would like to join or find out more about Aftershock then please contact Matt Williamson who is our full time Children and Youth Leader and is always happy to be contacted via email: or on his mobile: 07794 518 907.

Aftershock Programme Summer 24


 Upcoming events for Children and Young People in the next 2 weeks
Wednesday 3rd July 4:30pm
Youth Room in Parish Rooms at St Mary's Church SW
Sunday 7th July 9:15am
Parish Rooms at St Mary's Church SW
Sunday 7th July 6:00pm
Community Church SW
Wednesday 10th July 4:30pm
Youth Room in Parish Rooms at St Mary's Church SW
Sunday 14th July 7:00pm
Youth Room in Parish Rooms at St Mary's SW

Fundraising for our next Dreaming the Impossible (DTI) Summer Conference.

DTI Bike Ride Fundraiding PostTo raise funds for the trip, as a group we will spend the whole day on Saturday 13th July, completing a sponsored cycle ride on turbo trainers of a distance of 130 miles. This is the distance from Saffron Walden to the Stafford Showground where DTI takes place.

The Summer Conference is from 27 July to 1 August 2024 where we will be camping out, worshipping together, hearing some great teaching from the Bible and spending time in God's presence across 5 nights! 

Donate here: or cash donations can be given to Matt or Katie Boyce. We would love it if you could support us! 

Click on the poster on the right to enlarge.

Photos from last year's trip can be seen below.

Photos from Past Events

Aftershock Dinner Photos in aid of Jimmy’s homeless - March 2024 
IMG 5052-800On Saturday 9th March 2024 we raised an incredible £3,141 for the work of Jimmy’s Night Shelter. A big thank you has to go to Tracey Nicholls and Helen Nash for the amazing cooking and to our extremely talented young people who served and entertained the guests. e had 60 guests, two young comperes again, with renditions on the piano, trombone, acoustic duo, a quiz, comedy sketch and a vocal soloist. Barry Griffiths gave an update on the work alongside volunteer Alison Morris who shared her personal story of how Jimmy’s had impacted her life in relation to her son. Click here or on the photo to see a slideshow of photos.

Photos from Youth Trip to Dreaming The Impossible Summer 2023
PHOTO-2023-08-03-20-08-26 2-20 A group of 18 young people and leaders from our own Aftershock and Saffron Walden Community Church attended the Dreaming the Impossible Summer Youth Conference 29 July - 3 August 2023 at the Stafford Showground. During the conference they camped out, worshipped together, heard from the Bible and spent time in God's presence across 5 nights. Click here or on the photo to see a slideshow of photos.
Aftershock Dinner Photos in aid of Jimmy’s homeless - January 2023
Aftershock, the young people’s group at St Mary’s parish church, raised £2,450 for Jimmy’s homeless charity in Cambridge when they prepared for and entertained 56 guests at a dinner evening on Saturday, 14th January 2023. During the evening Barry Griffiths from Jimmy's updated us on the work. Click here or on the photo to see a slideshow from this event.
 Aftershock Dinner Photos in aid of Jimmy’s homeless - January 2020
Img 2960-200 Aftershock raised £3,905 for Jimmy’s homeless charity in Cambridge when they prepared for and entertained 68 guests at a dinner evening on Saturday, 11th January 2020. The guests enjoyed a sumptuous 3-course meal and entertainment in the Parish Rooms. The evening was hosted by two young comperes who introduced the guests to entertainment by the young people showcasing their talents which included musical renditions on the piano, cello and clarinet, ending with a comical sketch.  Click here or on the photo to see a slideshow from this event.

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