Children and Young People

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As a church, we aim for children and young people to feel welcome and at home here. All the groups and activities in our church seek to give children and young people a sense of belonging and help them know God’s love in Jesus Christ.

Upcoming events for Children and Young People

Click on the top  blue link for each entry to find out more
Tuesday 25th March 9:30am
Wednesday 26th March 4:30pm
Saffron Walden Community Church
Sunday 30th March 7:00pm
Youth Room in Parish Rooms at St Mary's SW
Tuesday 1st April 9:30am
Wednesday 2nd April 4:30pm
Saffron Walden Community Church
Sunday 6th April 10:30am
Parish Rooms, St Mary's Saffron Walden




Sunday Club

Sunday Club is held in St Mary’s Parish Rooms every Sunday for Primary age School Children from 10.30-11.30am except when there is a Family Service which is normally held on the 4th Sunday of the month. Just turn up or for further information contact Gill Caswell 01799 520 485



Go to Aftershock page here. This is for 11 to 18 year olds and meets in the Parish Rooms on Sundays from 7.00 to 8.30pm during term time except for the 1st Sunday of the month when it forms part of H2H.  It provides a chance to socialise, explore the bible and enjoy each other’s company – and there’s normally food involved!!!  Young people from other churches and non-churchgoers are all welcome.

H2H All are invited to join us for an hour of café-style contemporary worship, bible teaching and prayer ministry, led jointly between the Ministry Team and our Youth Group, Aftershock.
H2H (Highway to Heaven) will take place in the Parish Rooms at 6.30pm on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Tea, coffee and sweet treats provided. All welcome – young and old!

Family Service

Our Family Service is normally held on the fourth Sunday of the month at 1030am. This is a shorter, informal service to which children are encouraged to come. We have lively music, a short talk and there are often special activities for children.

Children’s Corner

The Children’s Corner is a space at the back of the church where parents and young children can find toys and books for children to make use of during the service. There are also activity bags available for your children to use as they sit in the pews with you.

Children and Holy Communion

Children may receive Communion before they are confirmed, provided they are aged at least 7 years old, come to church regularly and have undertaken a course of preparation.
Each year a number of  young people decide to make a public commitment to the faith of the Church through confirmation. For more information see our Confirmation page.

Other Groups


St Mary’s Tinies

We meet on Tuesday mornings during term time from 9.30am in the church for craft activity, refreshments and toys and a very informal short service which includes songs, instruments and a Bible story.  All parents and carers of babies and pre school aged children are very welcome to this friendly group. Sessions are free but a small donation to charity is welcomed. 

Junior Choir

We have a strong junior choir with up to 20 junior members. The choir sings at three or four Sunday services a month (either a morning service or evensong) and at some weddings on Saturdays.  There are also occasional concerts and visits to cathedrals.  Children have their own social programme as well. 

Rehearsals are held on Friday evenings.  The juniors are paid for practices and services. Once new members are confident enough they are asked to sing with the choir on Sundays. The choir is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music and the juniors work through the RSCM Voice for Life training scheme ribbon tests to attain seniority, which is reflected in the remuneration that they receive.

If you would like  more information contact Oli King our Director of Music  – or 07928 339 310 (shared with choir admin)

Choral Scholars

These scholarships are worth £40 per term, subject to satisfactory commitment and a specified minimum level of attendance. They are open both to choristers moving up from the Junior Choir and to new entrants, under 18 years old in full-time education, and the title will be awarded after a probationary period of three months.   Once a term they also take part in a service, where Choral Scholars and Junior Choristers lead the worship. If you would like to get in touch please email:  

Joyful Noise

We welcome you to join our youngest singing group. Do you love singing? Would you like to have fun and make new friends?
Come and join our singing group ‘Joyful Noise’ at the Parish Rooms, St Mary’s Church, Saffron Walden – Fridays 4.00-4.45pm during term time. Open to all children in school years 1-3. Play musical games, handbells and percussion, sing action songs and rounds, and songs from around the world. No charge, but donations welcomes. For more details, contact Kate Beare

Rainbows, Brownies, Guides

These Guiding units are affiliated to our church and meet weekly in the Parish Rooms. For more information contact Margaret Jacobs 01799 522 801.

Our Church School

We have close links with St Mary’s C.E. Primary School which is situated in Castle Street, near to the church.

Church members participate in the life of the school through assemblies and helping in class, through the governing body and on the staff, and the children are regularly welcomed into church for their special services.

More information is available on their website: St Mary’s C.E. Primary School
 If you have any questions or want to know more about activities for children and young people then please contact Matt Williamson via email: or on his mobile: 07794 518 907.