From the East window in St Mary's Church
Please also see our Prayer Groups page.
Prayer Diary - This leaflet contains subjects for prayer on each day of the month to help you pray daily for different people or organisations linked to the church and the town. Also available at the back of the church.
Prayer meetings for the next week:
Tuesday 25th March 5:00pm
See also Weekday Services and Sunday Services
What is prayer?
Prayer is talking and listening to God. We can pray any time, anywhere, about anything …
As we pray our relationship with God deepens. Jesus prayed often and when His disciples asked Him to teach them to pray, He gave them the Lord’s Prayer:
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory, for ever and ever.
Different kinds of prayer
The word ACTS gives us a useful pattern for our times of prayer.
Adoration – worshipping God for who He is.
Confession – telling God we are sorry
Thanksgiving – for all God’s gifts to us.
Supplication – making requests for others and ourselves.
Prayer does not necessarily involve words. Being still before God, open to God’s presence and voice, is prayer.
Closing our eyes can be helpful, as it removes distractions, but sometimes focusing on a Christian symbol can be helpful. For example, in St Mary’s church you might find inspiration from looking at a stained glass window, or the large crucifix over the screen in the centre aisle, or the empty cross of the risen Christ in the Chapel of Remembrance. You may like to light a candle, or write a prayer on the prayer board in the North Chapel which is set aside for quiet reflection. Prayer cards are available there and on the chest behind the back pew on the right hand side of the nave. All requests are prayed for during our Tuesday Evening Prayer.
Listening to God is prayer. God speaks to us in many ways: through our conscience, through other people, through beauty, art or music, through literature….to name but a few. We can also hear His voice through Scripture. For example: Listen to the promise of God’s forgiveness: “If we confess our sins, He who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) …and here is the promise of Jesus to all His followers: “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)
Some useful short prayers
“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”
“Lord Jesus Christ, You have been through everything. Stay with me through everything.”
“Guide me now, O gracious Lord.”
Praying with others
Find out about the different groups at St Mary’s that meet to pray together and about how prayers for wholeness and healing are offered at St. Mary’s.
Quiet Days
The Prayer Team usually organises a quiet morning twice a year. These are held in the Parish Rooms and are advertised in the Parish News, on the Grapevine and also on the noticeboards at the back of church.
Personal Visits
Please contact us if you would like someone to come and pray with you privately. We will put you in touch with members of the Prayer Ministry Team who are authorised to offer prayers and the laying on of hands. Alternatively, speak to one of the clergy who will be happy to help you.
Healing is central to the Christian message and reflects Jesus’ concern and promise for the whole person: body, mind and spirit. We read in the gospels how Jesus gave high priority to healing the sick and we seek to echo this in the life of our community
Prayers for Healing
Prayers for Wholeness and Healing are included in the Holy Communion Service at 9.30am on the 1st Wednesday in the month. At this service people are invited to come to the altar individually for prayer for themselves or someone they are concerned about. As the minister prays for them the rest of the congregation supports them in silent prayer.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
Jesus our Healer, we place into your gentle hands those who are sick.
Ease their pain and heal the damage done to them in body, mind or spirit.
Be present to them through the support of friends and in the care of doctors and nurses,
And fill them with the warmth of your love now and always. Amen
Prayer Chain and Healing
If anyone would like us to pray for anything or anyone could they please contact Kathryn Fiddock, who coordinates the Prayer Chain, either on 01799 500 844 or by email
Other resources
Listen to the former Bishop of Chelmsford, Stephen Cottrell, now Archbishop of York, sharing insights on prayer.'
Access the Church of England’s Daily Prayer Guide. This provides the text for Morning, Evening and Night Prayer, in traditional or contemporary language, complete with Psalms and readings.
WE PRAY - The prayers in WE PRAY are daily prayers and stories from across our Chelmsford Diocese. Read the prayers on their website or download it and print it.
There are also many free daily prayer apps available for both
iPhones and
Here are some other online resources for prayer which may be helpful and interesting. Most of these recommendations are from people who have used them. If you have any others that you think may be helpful please
contact us.
Sacred Space:
Praying each day:
3 minute retreat:
Daily prayer: