Choir rehearsing for our Christmas carol service. Click here for more photos.
Choir Schedules and Monthly Music Sheets
Choir Schedules: Spring 2025
Choir tick list: Choir members click here
Monthly Music Sheets: These can be found on the Music News page.
Choir Resources - For members of our choir

Oli King - Director of Music & Organist
The main function of the choir is to sing at services at St. Mary’s Church but several concerts are given each year, either in aid of a charity or music funds. Currently there are about 40 adults and 18 juniors. The choir is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music and Junior Choir members have the opportunity to receive musical training following the RSCM ribbon awards scheme. Adult choir members can also pursue educational pathways with the RSCM. Support can be given to singers who feel that they struggle with sight reading and other aspects of singing. The present choir marked its 35th anniversary in 2021. We are always happy to welcome new members, both junior and adult. Adults practise on Friday evenings from 7.30 to 9.00pm.
The choir regularly visits cathedrals in order to sing choral evensong. In recent years, trips include Southwark, Guildford and Birmingham Cathedrals.
If you would like to get in touch please email:
Take a look at this lovely video about choir opportunities at St Mary's.
Choral Scholars
These scholarships are worth £40 per term, subject to satisfactory commitment and a specified minimum level of attendance. They are open both to choristers moving up from the Junior Choir and to new entrants, under 18 years old in full-time education, and the title will be awarded after a probationary period of three months. Once a term they also take part in a service, where Choral Scholars and Junior Choristers lead the worship.
Oli King, Director of Music, will be happy to talk with any teenager who is interested in becoming a ‘Choral Scholar’. If you would like to get in touch please email:
Junior Choir
We have a strong junior choir with up to 20 junior members. The choir sings at three or four Sunday services a month (either a morning service or evensong) and at some weddings on Saturdays. There are also occasional concerts and visits to cathedrals. Children have their own social programme as well.
Rehearsals are held on Friday evenings. The juniors are paid for practices and services. Once new members are confident enough they are asked to sing with the choir on Sundays. The choir is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music and the juniors work through the RSCM Voice for Life training scheme ribbon tests to attain seniority, which is reflected in the remuneration that they receive.
The Junior Choir at St Mary’s Parish Church is looking to recruit new members in the 8 –12 age group. We offer a great opportunity for a sound musical education; you get to have fun and make new friends whilst learning some wonderful music!
If you would like to get in touch please email:
Joyful Noise
We welcome you to join our youngest singing group. Do you love singing? Would you like to have fun and make new friends?
Come and join our singing group ‘Joyful Noise’ at the Parish Rooms, St Mary’s Church, Saffron Walden – Fridays 4.00-4.45pm during term time. Open to all children in school years 1-3 and is free!
Play musical games, handbells and percussion, sing action songs and rounds, and songs from around the world. No charge, but donations welcome.
For more details, email Kate Beare at
Bursaries and Scholarships
Choral Scholars
These scholarships are worth £40 per term, subject to satisfactory commitment and a specified minimum level of attendance. They are open both to choristers moving up from the Junior Choir and to new entrants, under 18 years old in full-time education, and the title will be awarded after a probationary period of three months. Oli King, Director of Music, will be happy to talk with any teenager who is interested in becoming a ‘Choral Scholar’. Contact Oli King – email:
SMMA Bursary
St. Mary’s Music Association offers up to £250 to support the musical training and education of a young musician in St. Mary’s parish in full time education. It can be used for music lessons, training courses, sheet music or towards the purchase of a musical instrument or accessories. Preference is given to applicants who use their skills in music-making at St. Mary’s. Applications must be received by 1st July and the bursary runs from September to August. For further details, conditions and/or application form, please contact the SMMA Chairman, Hannah Razzell- Email:
Organ Scholarship
Each summer we aim to appoint a Michael Swindlehurst Organ Scholar to start working with us in the early autumn. The closing date for applications is usually the end of June, with auditions and interviews in mid July. The scholarship is worth £752 plus lessons. If you know of anyone who might be interested, further details can be obtained from Oli King, email See our organ page for more information.