Women's Groups
Mothers' Union
Programme of Meetings for 2025 - download here
Mothers' Union meetings in the next few months
Friday 7th March 2:00pm
United Reformed Churc
Thursday 10th April 2:00pm
Parish Rooms, St Mary's Saffron Walden
Friday 30th May 2:00pm
North Chapel St Mary's Church SW
Thursday 19th June 9:00pm
Parish Rooms, St Mary's Saffron Walden
Thursday 10th July 2:00pm
St Mary’s Mothers' Union usually meets on the second Thursday in the month in the Parish Rooms or Church at 2pm. An annual programme is printed for members. It consists of a variety of speakers, services of meditation in advent and holy week at the village church at Berden, an Ascension Day festival service, a Christmas party and a summer garden party, and a local summer outing amongst others.
The purpose of the Mothers Union is to support all that strengthens Marriage and Christian family life and to help those whose family life has met with adversity.
Membership is open to women and men who have been baptised and follow the Christian faith and we welcome members from other denominations who support our aims. Visitors are welcome to attend meetings to find out more about the purpose of the Mothers Union before making a decision to join.
The Mothers Union is a worldwide organisation with 4 million members in 84 countries across the world. We support overseas members by using the wave of prayer calendar daily and at our monthly prayer group.
A quote from our Mothers Union prayer sums up our membership ‘
May we be united in prayer and worship and in love and service reach out as your hands across the world.’
For further details contact Brenda Sheath: Email: davidsheath@sky.com Tel: 01799 513204
or Helen Hawkes Email: hmmhawkes@gmail.com Tel: 07791 066 253