
As well as coming to services on Sundays, there’s lots to get involved in at St Mary’s.
Children and young people
On Sundays our youth group, Aftershock meets in the evening and there is a special service for our young children and their families in the Parish Rooms on the 1st Sunday of the month. During the week there’s St Mary’s Tinies, a parent and toddler group, as well as Brownies, Guides and Rainbows. See our Children and Young People page.
Helping others
We support the work of Jimmy’s Cambridge (Homeless Project), Uttlesford Food Bank and Saffron Walden Street Pastors amongst other local organisations.
Men’s and Women’s groups
Our Men's Groups enjoy a lunch together each month and our Women’s Groups include active Mothers’ Union.
Music and Bellringing
As well as an excellent robed Adult Choir there’s also a Junior Choir and Joyful Noise for younger singers. See our Choir page for details. We also have a Brass Group for all ages. With a tower of 12 bells, St Mary’s has a society of bellringers, who ring for Sunday services and weddings.
Prayer and Bible study groups
St Mary’s has a variety of different groups that meet to pray together and study the bible.
Taking care of the church
Whether it’s dusting, sewing, flower arranging or helping out in the office, there’s plenty that goes on behind the scenes. St Mary’s also has a supportive Friends of the Parish Church, which provides funds for maintaining the church building. As well as a team of welcomers who help at Sunday services, there are also volunteers who are on hand to welcome visitors during the week in the summer months.
If you’re interested in joining or helping with any of these groups, let us know.