Photos from Youth Trip to Dreaming The Impossible - Summer 2024 


Over the summer a group of our young people and leaders from our Aftershock and the Community Church in Saffron Walden attended the 'Dreaming the Impossible' Summer Youth Festival held on the Staffordshire Showground from 27th July to 1st August 2024, along with 4000 other young people. During this time they camped out, worshiped together, heard some great teaching from the Bible and spent time in God's presence across 5 nights! It proved a brilliant chance for them to get to know each other better, and it was great to see the youth from the two groups come and grow together with this opportunity to develop and strengthen their faith in God. Find out more about DTI here.

A reminder that the group raised over £2,000 towards the cost of this trip from their sponsored ride on 13th July on turbo trainers covering a distance of 130 miles.

Find out more about our Aftershock youth group for 11 to 18 year olds here.

See this slideshow from the summer youth festival.

And experience some of the stmosphere in this short video clip below.

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Click here  to see photos from last year's Summer DTI Camp.