Lighting Project Gift Day 

Not too late to contribute to our Lighting Project

We have now received the Detailed Design for the replacement lighting in the church which builds on the Concept Design which was presented at the consultation meetings in April. The comments received during the consultation meetings have all been considered and the project team are now starting to address the Faculty application, which is required to achieve approval to install the new lighting, and the funding of the project.  For the servery and toilet at the west end of the church, we held a very successful Gift Day which contributed to the funding of that project and we will be holding a Gift Day for the lighting on Saturday 21st September 2024.  If you are able and willing to contribute towards the project, an anonymous donor has indicated that they will match donations £ per £ up to a total of £25,000, every donation of any size will be doubled. Donations for matching can be made before the Gift Day, on the day or for a short period afterwards.  On 21st September, there will be a display in church about the project and team members available to answer questions including about the funding and fundraising; do come along and find out more.  Further information can also be found on our Lighting Project page. Details about the Gift Day and how to donate can be found on the flyer below.  Please do use the reference “Lighting Gift Day” especially if you are to donate via bank transfer.

Prayers for the Lighting Project

Please also support the project with your prayers. Join us in the North Chapel on Thursday evenings, 19th and 26th September, 3rd and 10th October, from 7.30- 8.15 pm, for a time of prayer together, ending with Compline. All welcome.