Friends' Visit to St Alban's Cathedral 

St Albans 30Aug24-5869-6x4-1k 
The Friends enjoyed a fabulous visit to the Cathedral at St Albans and although many of us had been before, just to look around, we learnt so much from our really well informed guides. The wall paintings technology was out of this world!
Much of the current layout and proportions of the structure dates from the first Norman Abbot, Paul of Caen ( 1077-1093) With many later additions.
The tower is the only 11th century great crossing tower still standing in England. The original ringing chamber had 5 bells, none of which have survived. Currently there are 23 bells housed in the Tower not all rung at any one time of course.
The glass in the Great Rose window in the North Transept is a more modern highlight gifted in 1988-89 by the local firm Laporte to celebrate their 100th anniversary, replacing the original clear glass.
Too many other beautiful features to mention. See Tony Downing and Martin Hugall's photos in the slideshow below.
We then had a lunch at The Waterside Inn in Ware from where we boarded a boat for a 2 hour commentated trip along the river Lee in the sunshine, watching the birds catching fish.
We will be planning another Cathedral visit in the Spring so watch this space.
You would be most welcome to join the Friends of the Parish church which supports our lovely church. See our webpage here.

Pamela Mugliston