Music News February 2025 

IMG 5218-800Before we turn to 2025, there is much to record and celebrate in December, starting with the Advent Carol service at the beginning of the month, then Christingles for children on 8th December, the traditional Service of Nine Lessons and Carols just before Christmas, two ‘Lighting the Christmas Tree’ events for younger children led by the Juniors, and then Midnight Mass, culminating in the morning service on Christmas Day. The Nine Lessons and Carols were enhanced by the Brass Group with splendid fanfares as well as accompaniments. Showcasing the talent throughout the choir, there were around 20 solo performances by members of the choir, including Juniors Poppy and Arthur, as well as by Choral Scholars and Adults. And just in case some people felt they had not done enough carol singing, many of the choir visited two of the new housing estates in town and sang carols outside in the cold. 

Of course the SMMA is not just about the musicians. During the Service of Nine Lessons, Paul Chinnock was once again busy in the kitchen of the Parish Rooms warming up welcome quantities of mince pies and mulled wine, which were as always very gratefully received. Hannah Razzell, as Chair of the SMMA, thanked everyone who had helped the organisation in the past year, including Bron Ferland as Choir Administrator, Kate Beare for looking after the smallest children in Joyful Noise, Alison Lawrence who looks after the Junior Choir’s social time, Ziyi our current Michael Swindlehurst Organ Scholar, Gill and Paul for the party, Jeremy Allen as Deputy Organist, and Oli King as Director of Music. Sadly we are saying good bye to Ellie Beare who has been mentoring the Choral Scholars. Lewis Colley will be taking over this role. 

By the time you read this edition of Parish News, Choral Evensong for Epiphany will have taken place on 12th January, followed by a new Service of Light on Sunday 26th January. Together these 2 evening services combine the regular January Choral Evensong, and the Epiphany Carol Service which St Mary’s used to hold.
The next Choral Evensong will be at 4pm on Sunday 9th February in the peaceful period for reflection between the great festival of Christmas and Lenten preparation for Easter. 

Ottilie Lefever