Lent Courses 2025 

3 courses are on offer locally this year. The 'Bible Course' at St Mary's SW, 'Get Outside in Lent' at Wimbish Church and 'Unanswered Prayer' at Littlebury Green

The Bible Course

This course will run during Lent and conclude after Easter on Wednesdays at 2pm starting on 12th March or Thursdays at 7.30pm starting on 13th March. Both courses will be in the Parish Rooms. Please sign up on the list at the back of St Mary's, SW. 
Wednesdays at 2pm - 12, 19, March, 2, 9, 23,30 April, 7 May.
Thursdays at 7.30pm - 13, 20 March, 3, 10, 24 April,1, 8 May.

Wimbish Lent course 2025Get Outside In Lent

A gentle 4 week Lenten journey through nature at Wimbish Church on 19th, 26th March & 2nd, 9th April from 10-11am. Contact Pete Gray to book a place or for more information 07901 946440 or email: petewgray@hotmail.co.uk  Click here or on the image on the right to download a flyer.

Unanswered Prayer course lent Unanswered Prayer

Provoking honest conversation around the hardest questions we all ask about prayer. At St Peter’s Church & Community Hub, Littlebury Green on Tuesdays, 11th March-8th April at 7.30pm. Find out more about the course here.  Click here or on the image on the right to download a flyer.

(The Diocese are not running any Lent Modules this year)