New Electoral Roll
A new electoral roll has to be prepared at least 15 days before the Saffron Walden Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) on Sunday 11th May 2025. Inclusion on the roll enables you to attend and vote at the APCM and to stand for election to the PCC or as a sidesman. Everyone wishing to be on the new electoral roll must reapply, even if they are on the existing roll. Application forms are available in church or may be downloaded here and it is requested that completed forms be returned by 6th April to allow time for the production of the new electoral roll. Completed forms may be sent to or posted through the Parish Office letter box or given to a Welcomer in church.
If you wish to be kept in touch with all church events, please download our Data Processing Consent Form (also as a Word doc) and posted through the Parish Office letter box or given to a Welcomer in church.