Latest News

There is plenty going on and we want to keep you up to date with all our news!

Lighting Project Gift Day
We have received the Detailed Design for the replacement lighting in the church and now need to raise funds to cover this exciting and very necessary project. Your support will be much appreciated. More ...
Eco News September 2024 - To Conceive or not Conceive, that is the question.
Greenhouse gas emissions are not so much related to population growth as to affluence. In the UK we contribute 7.1 tonnes per year each; in the USA it’s 17 tonnes, while in the Congo it’s 0.1 tonnes. That means births in the Congo would have to rise by .. More ...
baby mural
New - Sunday Club for Children
Sunday Club is held in St Mary’s Parish Rooms every Sunday for Primary age School Children from 10.30-11.30am except when there is a Family Service which is normally held on the 4th Sunday of the month. Just turn up More ...
Parish Rooms-5899-800
Bella Falk's drone photos and videos of our church and surrounding area
We are most grateful to Bella Falk who has kindly shared some lovely photos and videos she took of our church and the surrounding area on 26th August 2024. See below a slideshow of some of the photos and two YouTube videos. More ...
Bella Falk Passport and Pixels
Friends' Trip to St Albans Cathedral
Photos from The Friends' visit to the St Albans Cathedral followed by lunch and a cruise on a wide beam boat on the River Lea from Ware. More ...
St Albans 30Aug24-5869-6x4-1k
Sunday School Archive Christmas 1987
A photo from the archives of our Sunday School at St Mary's Church Saffron Walden. It would be interesting to know who some may recognise and what they all look like now? More ...
Sunday School Dec 87-5887-1.5k
Autumn Coffee Concerts 2024 at St Mary's
All concerts start at 11.30am and last approximately 40 minutes. Refreshments available from 10.45am. Free admission with a retiring collection. All most welcome. St Mary's Church, Saffron Walden. More ...
SMMA Coffee Concert Poster Rev
Photos from Youth Trip to Dreaming The Impossible Summer 2024
Over the summer a group of our young people and leaders from Aftershock and Community Church Youth attended the Dreaming the Impossible Summer Youth Festival held on Staffordshire Showground from 27 July to 1 August 2024 along with 4000 other young people More ...
From the Archives! 
In the Bleak Midwinter by Darke from the late 1990s. The Choir of St Mary's Church Saffron Walden recorded by the BBC in the late 90s as part of their Advent series. More ...
StMary's Choir Advent late 90'
Parish News
Latest copy of our Parish News. This edition will also be available in print at the back of the church and in the tourist office. More ...
PN AugSept2024-800

To view older news items please visit our News Archive.