Who's Who and Contact

Our Clergy

JeremyTrew25April2021--3253-14   EllaHarris-1300-200x140
Rev'd Jeremy Trew   Rev'd Ella Harris
Team Rector
01799 500 947
  Assistant Curate
01799 571 023
Rev'd Dr Hilary Walker    
Assistant Curate

Other Clergy who help in our parish

Chris-B-7198-200x140   Andy-C
Rev'd Canon Chris Bishop   Rev'd Andy Colebrooke
Michael-L-3319-200x140   Angela-W-200x140
Rev'd Michael Lovegrove   Rev'd Angela Want


Rev'd Paula Griffiths    



Lay Ministers who assist

Judith Hasler 1 Feb 2020-200x1   Tracey-3608--200x140
Canon Judith Hasler
Lay Funeral Minister & Pastoral Assistant
01799 525 041
  Tracey Nicholls
Licensed Lay Minister
Marisa-2074-140x200a   Brian-4894-200x140
Marisa Baltrock
Licensed Lay Minister
  Brian Kerrison
01799 516 586, 07703 511 371

Other people you may want to contact

Vivian Falk5391-200x140   Simon-Potter4574-140x200
Vivian Falk   Simon Potter
01799 513 128
07811 165 049
01799 527 380
07913 898 248
OliKing-140x200   Matt-W
Oli King   Matt Williamson
Director of Music & Organist
  Children & Youth Leader
07794 518 907

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Team Administrator: Anthea Slater – can be contacted at the Parish Office (situated to the north of the church) which is open on Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 12 noon. When the office is closed an answer machine is available – 01799 506 024 - office@stmaryssaffronwalden.org or parishofficesaffronwalden@gmail.com - St Mary’s Parish Office, Church Path, Saffron Walden, Essex, CB10 1JP

Associate Administrator: Claire Dunn can be contacted at the Parish Office by email on associate.stmaryssaffronwalden@gmail.com or admin@stmaryssaffronwalden.org or by telephoning 01799 506 024

Weddings Co-ordinator: Caroline Goulder – stmarysweddings@outlook.com (or via parish office 01799 506 024)

Churchwardens: See above

Assistant Churchwardens: William Rose, Jan Siewertsen, Pam Russell and Patrick Li

Treasurer: David Birchall - birchall.dj@ntlworld.com

Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO):  Nathan Colley: Email - safeguarding@stmaryssaffronwalden.org or 01245 294 444 to speak to the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer. If there are any immediate concerns regarding someone's safety then call 999.

Website:  Martin Hugall: website@stmaryssaffronwalden.org - 01799 527 805

Press: Clifford Want: press@stmaryssaffronwalden.org

Electoral Roll: Clifford Want: electoralroll@stmaryssaffronwalden.org

Address: St Mary’s Parish Office, Church Path, Saffron Walden, Essex, CB10 1JP – 01799  506 024 – parishofficesaffronwalden@gmail.com or office@stmaryssaffronwalden.org

UK registered charity No:1128863 – The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Saffron Walden

St Mary’s Church, Saffron Walden is part of the Saffron Walden and Villages Team Ministry.