Friends of the Parish Church - Archive page
Friends' Visit to St Alban's Cathedral 30th August 2024
The Friends enjoyed a fabulous visit to the Cathedral at St Albans and although many of us had been before, just to look around, we learnt so much from our really well informed guides. The wall paintings technology was out of this world!
Much of the current layout and proportions of the structure dates from the first Norman Abbot, Paul of Caen ( 1077-1093) With many later additions.
The tower is the only 11th century great crossing tower still standing in England. The original ringing chamber had 5 bells, none of which have survived. Currently there are 23 bells housed in the Tower not all rung at any one time of course.
The glass in the Great Rose window in the North Transept is a more modern highlight gifted in 1988-89 by the local firm Laporte to celebrate their 100th anniversary, replacing the original clear glass.
Too many other beautiful features to mention. See Tony Downing and Martin Hugall's photos in this slideshow.
We then had a lunch at The Waterside Inn in Ware from where we boarded a boat for a 2 hour commentated trip along the river Lee in the sunshine, watching the birds catching fish.
We will be planning another Cathedral visit in the Spring so watch this space.
Pamela Mugliston
Friends' visit to Rochester Cathedral 8th April 2024.

Friends’ members were lucky enough to have a sunny day to visit the historic Cathedral in Rochester on 8th April. The Cathedral is the 2nd oldest in England and Christian worship has taken place on the site since 604AD. The present building dates back to 1083, the glorious Norman architecture of the nave, parts of the crypt as well as one of the finest Romanesque facades in England.
There are some fine examples of later Gothic styles as well as the magnificent 14th century Chapter Library door. We were greeted by the most magnificent fresco painted by the Russian artist Sergey Fyodorov in 2004 to mark the 1400th anniversary of the founding of the Cathedral. The upper part depicting the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan and the lower part events of great significance to Kent history from 597AD.
After lunching together the afternoon was free time to visit the Castle and the town centre with architecture going back to the 14th Century.
See more photos taken by Martin Hugall and Tony Downing on our noticeboard and in this slideshow.
Pamela Mugliston
Friends' visit to Norwich Cathedral 17th November 2023.

Despite it being November we chose the one sunny day for our visit to Norwich Cathedral. We had two very knowledgeable guides to show us around this magnificent building, full of history and beauty from its intricate needlework to its powerful masonry. In the nave the biggest collection of masonry Roof Bosses in the world telling the stories of the Bible from Creation to the Last Judgement. The Despenser Reredos dating back to 1380 being the only surviving medieval English altarpiece with scenes from Christ’s Passion. An area dedicated to Edith Cavell who is buried at the Cathedral. We enjoyed lunch together and then had time to do a little exploring in the town before our journey home. See more photos taken by Martin Hugall and Tony Downing on our noticeboard and in this slideshow. We now look forward to our visit to Rochester in the spring.
Pamela Mugliston
Southwark Cathedral visit on Tuesday 25th July 2023

Thirty Friends members visited Southwark Cathedral on Tuesday 25th July 2023 in glorious sunshine.
Two excellent Tour Guides gave us 90mins of their time, knowledge and wit to take us around this beautiful Cathedral by the Thames. So much history and so many changes over the generations and is still a vibrant place of worship.
We had lunch together in The Mudlark Inn right next door to the Cathedral where we enjoyed an excellent meal and some social chat and fun.
In the afternoon, with many things to explore in the area, we went our separate ways exploring the Golden Hinde, The Tate Modern, The Globe Theatre, a peep in the door of The Clink amongst other sites and of course a wander along the river watching the pleasure and working boats sailing by.
To end our day we took a brief look at Borough Market as we snaked our way back to the pick-up point for the coach after an enjoyable day.
NB Forms for the Norwich trip on 17th November 2023 will be issued very shortly.
Pamela Mugliston
Lincoln Cathedral visit on Friday 9th September 2022

A group of The Friends went by coach up to Lincoln on 9th September and as you can imagine the Cathedral was a sombre but awesome experience. All tours were cancelled and there was a sense of peace throughout the building. Hushed voices as we all absorbed the atmosphere. Lots of candle stations as well as the condolence book and movingly, regular short readings and prayers were said echoing through the whole Cathedral. It was not the planned visit however it is one we will never forget.
We can recommend the Cathedral Café where they had prepared a room just for us. The service and food was excellent. We had morning coffee on arrival and an excellent lunch later, some of us even had tea before we left.
The afternoon was spent by many at the Castle where we saw the Magna Carta and visited the Castle Prison, not a place you would want to stay for more than a very short visit. The views from the Parapet where fabulous, you can see for miles and everything looked so green.
On this trip we were joined by Christine Lawrence who was our Treasurer for a time but now lives in York, it was so good to see her. Our thoughts during the day were of Lawrence Gooderham our late Chairman who’s funeral was on the 7th. He had been looking forward to joining us - bless him.
Watch this space for news of our spring Cathedral visit, book early to get a place on the coach.
Pamela Mugliston
Lawrence Gooderham
s many of you already know our Chairman passed away on the 9th August in Addenbrookes Hospital. Lawrence was a member of the Friends for over 50 years and our Chairman since 1981. His enthusiasm for The Friends was infectious and we all felt his loyalty and kindness . I was privileged to work alongside Lawrence as Secretary for 10 years and I, like you all, will miss him immensely.
Lawrence was particularly fond of our Friends' prayer which I share with you here:
We thank Thee O Father, for the precious heritage of our Church of St Mary the Virgin, and for the privilege of Enrolment as Friends of Thy House of Prayer.
We pray that, increasingly, we may value, and use this sacred trust, and with loving reverence, care for Thy House.
May it become more and more, a spiritual home, and a means of blessing to this town and neighbourhood.
Guide us as Friends of the Church, in all our efforts for the promotion of Thy glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Pamela Mugliston
Cathedral Trip to Bury St Edmunds 22nd June 2022
Twenty five of The Friends of the Parish Church had a visit to Bury St Edmunds Cathedral on 22nd June in bright sunshine. We had interesting and informative Tour Guides and enjoyed our visit.
We then had lunch together in the Edmund Room of the Cathedral where we were joined by The Venerable Duncan Green and his wife Janet.
After lunch the group went their own ways enjoying all that was on offer including the fabulous Flower Festival in the Cathedral, the Abbey Gardens and Ruins, the Town itself, the Market and of course the shops.
We look forward to our trip to Lincoln in September.
Pamela Mugliston
Cathedral Trip to Ely 28th April 2022

Above photos taken on our trip to Ely Cathedral on Thursday 28th April 2022. Click on each to enlarge.
Our first Cathedral trip after the long pandemic break was enjoyed by all.
Excellent Guides showed us around in the morning before we enjoyed lunch together in the Almonry.
The afternoon was free to wander around the bustling market full of fabulous produce straight off the Fens and take a walk down to the river to check out all the boats moored in the marina with the opportunity to walk back via the extensive Cathedral grounds.
All this in beautiful sunshine, what a treat.
Pamela Mugliston